Ecton and ToggleBit discuss writing programming languages, the Rust type system, and a little about the user interface of their pending game.
Latest Episodes
Ecton and ToggleBit discuss wordle, optimizing user interfaces, Rust 1.72, and more.
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Ecton and ToggleBit get back to podcasting and talk about what they've been working on, their recording setup, webserver frameworks, and GUI frameworks in Rust.
Ecton and ToggleBit talk about the Rust projects they've been working on, work/life balance, modern mobile gaming experiences, and how they are going to start working together.
Ecton and ToggleBit discuss their adventures into graphics programming with Rust, the worst projects they've worked on, and more.
Ecton and ToggleBit discuss unsafe code, user experience testing, benchmarking, and what they've been working on.
Ecton and ToggleBit discuss their philosophies on unit testing, how they evaluate crates, and what they've been working on.
Ecton and ToggleBit discuss what they've been working on, their personal development practices, and Rust 1.70.
Ecton and ToggleBit discuss what they've been working on, premature optimization, user interface styling, and some game design topics.
Ecton and ToggleBit discuss what they've been working on, avoiding the pit of stupid, DSLs, and their game project.
Ecton and ToggleBit discuss what they've been working on, learning Rust for new programmers, what makes Rust alluring, and more.
Ecton and ToggleBit meet for an introductory episode of The Way of the Crab. The primary topics are: Who are we? What are we trying to build? What is our "must-use" crate? We also talk about our user interface projects.